Renewable energies for the sub-Saharan region of West Africa
Sustainable Energy for Sub-Saharian Region of West-Africa
Renewable energies for the sub-Saharan region of West Africa
3rd Joint German - West African Conference on Sustainable, Renewable Energy Systems
22 July 2022, Université de Kara
"Solar energy systems - the sun as an inexhaustible source"
Tackling the climate crisis is more than ever the focus of science and research and is undoubtedly a problem that can only be overcome with global solutions. The emergence
of new technologies is a key factor here, with the sun as an inexhaustible source of
energy taking on an increasingly important role. By paying special attention to solar energy systems, the SusRES conference 2022 aims to raise awareness of these technologies and, in particular, to honor the scientific work in this field. The event encourages the scientific and pedagogic knowledge exchange in this and many other technologies related to renewable energy sources by providing a platform in which a proactive and environmentally concerned audience can share its ideas.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their full paper, which will be reviewed within
a double-blind review process. Once the paper is accepted, the authors are asked to rework their paper according to the reviews and submit the full paper or poster contribution before the final paper submission deadline. We particularly would also like to encourage under- and postgraduate students to submit papers to the conference.
Please submit your contribution
This conference is organized by the University of Kara and the University of Wildau under the auspices of the President of the University of Kara, Professor Komla SANDA.

"After two successful conferences with participants from all over the world, we are now pleased to host the third SusRES 2022 conference and thus further expand the cross-national cooperation. " - Professor Komla SANDA, President of the University of Kara
SusRES Conference 2021
Second conference on the sustainability of energy systems in West Africa was a resounding success
For the second time, the German-African Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems (SusRES`2021) took place on April 6. The cooperation between the University in Kara, Togo and the Wildau University of Applied Sciences is thus bearing its first fruits. The interest of the participants has already more than doubled compared to the first conference. 38 contributions were submitted for review. Of these, 30 publications were presented as full papers and posters on the day of the conference. Once again, 26 renowned scientists from four continents participated in the review process. As a highlight of the day, the Center for Renewable Energy Systems (CenRES) at Kara University was opened at noon. The opening event was attended by the presidents of the universities as well as the German ambassador to Togo, H.E. Matthias Veltin.
Following on from the very good experience of the first German-African Conference for Sustainable, Renewable Energy Systems SusRES in the summer of 2020, the organisers from Kara and Wildau have once again set themselves a high bar for continuation. Their commitment was rewarded with twice as many enquiries, participants and reports on research and transfer. In order to meet international quality standards, the review process was accompanied by an international scientific committee. 26 renowned scientists and university lecturers supported this with their expertise and an exciting programme could thus be put together for 6 April. Since the event was once again organised as a web conference, it reached participants from Sancti Spiritus in Cuba to Shanghai in China. Participants from twelve time zones attended the nine-hour event. This is a special challenge that rarely has to be taken into account when organising face-to-face events.
The presidents' openings were followed by the keynote speech of a visionary for the use of decentralised, regenerative energy: Mr. Klaus Naderer showed with TomEnSo (= Tomorrow`s Energy Solutions) a way to increase the GDP (gross domestic product) in African countries by up to six percent by providing energy. How this can be achieved was then discussed by the participants in 30 presentations in the parallel sessions. The lectures comprised a great mixture of scientific depth and practical application.
A highlight was the opening of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems. In the speech of the German ambassador in Togo, the importance of cooperation between the countries of the region was emphasised: " provide an effective means of combating climate change but also poverty. Electric energy, brings light and communication to the villages and can thus form an effective means of social participation." Together with the actors from Germany, the university in Kara wants to be a focal point for training and research in the field of renewable energies and thus provide a platform for finding joint solutions.
In his keynote speech, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Reiff-Stephan said on behalf of the organisers: "Once again, the idea of the sustainable use of energy has proven to be a driving force for intensive scientific cooperation and student exchange. For the sub-Saharan region of West Africa in particular, knowledge of the correct use of renewable energy sources is becoming an important prerequisite for further social development and economic upswing. We would like to thank in particular His Excellency, Ambassador Matthias Veltin, for his impetus for the event and support for the establishment of the cenRES Centre."
Around 90 participants from four continents followed the presentations online and in three seminar rooms at Kara University. In addition to Germany and Togo, the audience and speakers came from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Benin, China, Cuba and Switzerland.
Another programme highlight was the presentation of two "Young Researcher Awards" to students from the West Africa region. The contributions of Dèdonougbo Alfred DOHOU from the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Cotonou (Benin) (contribution: Optimization of biogas production by co-digestion of organic waste (cow dung and water hyacinth)) and of Arafat FOUSSENI from the University of Kara (UK), Kara (Togo) (contribution: Static and dynamic evaluation of wind potential in the Kara region of Togo using artificial neural networks) in the field of renewable energy systems convinced the jury.